Our Company Philosophy

The Standards for Standard

Our focus is on our client’s overall success.  We believe that by listening closely to the complaints and praise of our partners we can continuously improve our service offering.  Technology insiders are specialist, their knowledge is enshrouded with technical terms and a bizarre ways of thinking.  We endeavor to lift our heads out of the weeds and to communicate on a human level and to focus on business objectives and goals.  If done correctly, then our service desk is a pleasure to work with.   The phrase “customer-service” is not clear enough, so let me explain what we try to “sound like” to your staff.

  • Expert but not bossy
  • Fun but not silly
  • Confident but not cocky
  • Smart but not stodgy
  • Calm but not uncaring
  • Informal but not sloppy
  • Helpful but not overbearing
  • Weird but not inappropriate
More about us

Highly Innovative Technology Solutions for Dentists

Make Appointment or call 1-501-302-1232

Our Happy Clients

Standard Computer is very efficient, systems are faster, employees are great, problems are addressed and fixed fast, equipment installed quickly.  When we call Standard Computer we don’t have to wait 2-3 days for someone to respond they are always available immediately.  We absolutely recommend their monthly services- Guys are great, always nice even when I call them early in the morning and wake them up!  Our previous IT company took days or weeks to call us back regarding problems with our computers.  The guys at standard computer are available 24-7, I have never had to wait.

-Gail Holmes, Office Manager

I already had a respectable IT company, I found out that I was missing out on the absolute best computer support available. I also found out that I had quite a few problems with my network that could have caused major headaches soon. I was very disappointed that my previous company missed these issues after what I had been paying them. The "team" of standard Computer was very impressive. 24 hour service, 100% Knowledge, this team is 100% appreciative of your business!    I have dealt with at lead 4 (four) computer gurus during my 24 years of practice and now can relax knowing I’m covered by knowledgeable guys.

If you're not impressed with Standard Computer then I will buy you a BIG MAC with extra cheese!!

-Dr. Steven Ray, Owner

Skinner Family Dentistry, Sherwood

“Our backup system wasn’t working. I received a letter & called right away. I talked to Sean and he came out the very next day. We now have a reliable backup. He and Jeremiah were able to figure out our needs and issues. We have received prompt attention we haven’t received in the past. Everyone has been so helpful. We have been really impressed with the knowledge of the staff.”

– Lorie Davis, Office Administrator

Skinner Family Dentistry, Sherwood

Our Proud Owner

Sean Kubin, MCITP


Sean is the Chief solutions Architect.  Service request Tickets are usually considered “Issues/Incidents” but when a group of related incidents happen, this becomes a “problem”.   Problems are tricky and require root-cause analysis to be done to figure it out.  Sean’s experience and critical thinking allows solutions to be developed that can be used by the service team.   Sean’s wife is a stickler for good grammar and Sean is a stickler for creating Helpful and Digestible Technical content.   All members of the organization are expected to document solutions to Issues and Problems into our Internal Knowledge Base.  The Internal KB of Standard Computer now includes solutions to problems and issues that even the VENDORS don’t know about.

Here are words that Sean does not like to use.

  • automagical  (we used to say this a lot, and we’re embarrassed about it)
  • funnel, incentivize, leverage, disruption, thought leader, or other fluffy corporate terms
  • internets, interwebs, or any other variation of the word “internet”
  • ninja, rockstar, wizard, unicorn (unless referring to a literal ninja, rockstar, wizard, or unicorn)
  • crushing it, killing it
  • Not my job
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Our Humble Team

Bronson Mathis
Bronson Mathis
Bronson is our Tier 1 guy and is willing to tackle anything that comes his way.   He keeps our clients happy by contacting them regularly...
Donnie Scott (Mr. Scott)
Donnie Scott (Mr. Scott)
Network Engineer
Mr Scott, like his television counter-part is the kind of innovator you want when the pressure is on.  Donnie has a take-charge attitude that...
Lora Tyler
Lora Tyler
Lora does the books around here.  She keeps them tidy, organizes her numbers with two decimal places.  Colors somethings in red, other things are...
Nicole Kubin, RN
Nicole Kubin, RN
Hipaa Guidance
Nicole acts as our sounding board for Hipaa guidance and for optimizing our processes with the medical industry.  Nicole's has implemented...
Sean Kubin
Sean Kubin
Sean Kubin acts as the senior consultant, chief solutions engineer and Hipaa Security Officer.   All solutions are vetted by the team but ultimate...
William Carr^3
William Carr^3
Field Services
Will is a mad scientist, if you doubt this just ask him about what he can do with a Rasberry Pi.   We enjoy his outside the box thinking and our...